Many new patients to our clinic are surprised that they can’t complete their first dental examination and cleaning in a one hour appointment!

For your first visit at our clinic, you are booked in for one hour with one of our doctors for your dental exam prior to seeing one of our dental hygienists.

During this appointment our doctors do a very thorough new patient exam, which includes:

  • A review of your medical and dental history
  • clinical photos of your teeth
  • digital x rays
  • extra oral and intra oral soft tissue exam (oral cancer screening)
  • full periodontal exam (gum measurements for pocket depth, recession and inflammation)
  • examination of your teeth (we look for cavities, check previous dental work, check for any signs of premature wear, acid erosion, bite problems etc.)
  • a personalized risk assessment in four areas will be discussed with you (gum and bone, teeth, bite and jaw joint, and aesthetics)
  • recommendations for preventing future potential dental problems
  • customized home care plan

If we just came in at the end of your cleaning appointment and did a 5-10 minute check up, we would not have enough time to get to know you and your teeth. We don’t want to miss anything, especially if a simple change in your oral hygiene routine or lifestyle could prevent future costly dental treatment.

Any suggestions or questions? Let us know in the comments below!